Thursday, September 30, 2010

5 reasons Radio Clambake is the new the large hadron collider

I was just playing with Windows 7's speech recognition, and after training it and starting the program for the first time, the neighbor's dog started barking. The program kept saying MOVING, CUTTING, and PASTING, and also typed "trying to it track of all it it" on a copy of Notepad I desperately opened up... So background noise can potentially relocate/destroy your data? (although I don't see any evidence of anything being moved/cut/pasted)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

7 things about Radio Clambake that science can't explain

I would like to be able to save my *actual* "stream of consciousness" somehow. By their very nature, all literary attempts to do so end up unreal, overblown, and too theatrical because too much time elapses between the thought and the actual expression of it.
Hey wait, maybe RADIO CLAMBAKE has served that purpose for me? I should really listen to one sometime.
california is so screwed when we have a giant quake... we just lost power for 2 days because it got a little hot one afternoon. socal edison sucks

Monday, September 27, 2010

eating the rest of my dinner by flashlight atm
hottest day on record, ever, in LA , and now the power goes out. at least its 10ish pm oh crap i dont know what time it is

Friday, September 24, 2010

isnt it sad that the intoxicating "new car smell" is really noxious plastics and carpet?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

i think i want to find a game like city of heroes/villains, but not lame like WoW

Friday, September 10, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010


"Somehow I'd found the last guileless girl in New York City." - Vanilla Sky

Well I found the last guileless girl in everywhere BOOYA

Reneeko Ono forever

Sunday, September 5, 2010


There's RADIO CLAMBAKE LIVE SUNDAY NIGHT tonight, Sunday night, in the evening. Please listen or I'll spit in your food.

I've attached my webcam to a broken RC car, and I'm driving around with it LIVE ON THE INTERNET

EDIT: That was fun for about 17 mins. Here's the relevant video. It had sound, I'm not sure where it went. Here's what it sounded like:



Friday, September 3, 2010

there will be LIVE RADIO CLAMBALE THIS WEEKEND.Probably Sunday, but maybe Saturday too? we'll see. haha i typed clambale and im not fixing it. im outside
im firing the shotgun of comedy, and I've filled it with birdshot. what